Portland 12 Step Groups

Image of triangle surrounded by a circle - Portland 12 step groupsPortland 12 Step Groups

12 Step Groups are anonymous support groups based off the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, founded in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith. Today, there are groups specific to alcohol, drugs, and process addictions, as well as groups for families and loved ones of addicts. Here is a listing of local Portland 12 Step Groups in the area.

12 Step GroupWebsiteHotline
Alcoholics Anonymouspdxaa.com503-223-8569
Narcotics Anonymousportlandna.com503-345-9839
Cocaine Anonymouscaorwa.org503-256-1666
Overeaters Anonymousoregon-oa.org503-254-5658
Sex Addicts Anonymousportlandsaa.org503-452-5961
Gamblers Anonymous1877.mylimit.org877-My-Limit
Marijuana Anonymousmadistrict11.org503-567-9892
Al-Anon Family Groupsal-anonportlandoregon.org503-292-1333

New groups and programs form frequently, so check back here often for more information. You can also Google an issue followed by the word “anonymous” to see if a group focusing on that issue already exists, and where they meet.

Because the 12 steps don’t really focus on alcohol as the problem, 12 step ideology can be super-imposed on just about anything that is troubling and destructive. The philosophy is really based in the underlying causes for various addiction and destructive behaviors. Because the underlying issues are so entrenched, recovery takes some time to really begin to be internalized. Therefore, if you decide to give Portland 12 step groups a try, do yourself a favor and commit to attending the program you select for 90 days, at whatever frequency you’re comfortable with. You’ll find that the mental conversation you walk in with will likely change, and if you do your best to keep an open mind, you may decide to dig into the program and change your life!

Please let us know if we can be of any help to you as you endeavor this, we know how daunting it can be – we’ve been there ourselves.